Happy recall
Happy Recall A dog without a recall is like a car without brakes, it is dangerous! A recall is instant, it is not negotiable and it should be happy. If a dog comes back first time when there are no distractions such as another dog, person or an interesting smell, but not when there is a distraction then it does not have an instant recall! Rather like children who are well behaved on their own but play their parents up in public when they think (a) they can get away with it and (b) there may be something to be gained, even if only in the short term. These children are not showing respect for their parents, and dogs who only recall when there is nothing better on offer are not showing respect for their guardians. Unfortunately, most dogs who have a poor recall do not realize they are being disobedient. Without realizing it, their owner (or maybe a previous owner) has failed to explain that this command is none negotiable and succeeded in teaching the do...