Alternative behaviour
Teaching Dogs Alternative Behaviour Dogs need to be able to understand what we require of them, if they don’t understand then we can’t expect them do as we ask and quite often without realising it we send them mixed messages which they find confusing. When a dog barks at a knock on the door it can be seen as doing what a dog might be expected to do, so it receives praise for it. Good dog for barking and letting me know there is someone trying to get into my house. To begin with the dog may be allowed to greet the visitor and as far as the dog is concerned this has now set a pattern for all future visitors. But with each visitor the greeting gets a little more exuberant and the dog begins to think that maybe the visitors are really only there for his benefit, and while he thinks he’s in charge his owner is becoming more exasperated. The dog has been told clearly that he is a good dog for barking and then he’s been told ‘no, leave, down,’ and countless other commands, coupled wit...